
Phone 07 3087261
 0800 4BOKAY


Phone 07 3087261
 0800 4BOKAY


Phone 07 3087261
 0800 4BOKAY



Stunning Vibrant Bouquet

Stunning Vibrant Bouquet
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Created to impress!
Let our talented Florists create a stunning bouquet which has the WOW factor!
Colours and flowers may differ from the picture.
NZ $200.00

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About Us

Bouquet Floral Studio – The Home of Scilla Chocolates is a unique combination of two well established local businesses in Whakatane. In October 2011 we joined together to create your one stop shop for beautiful bouquets and exclusive Scilla Chocolates made by us here in Ohope. Our florist shop stocks a large range of the freshest seasonal flowers for all occasions; gift baskets and range of boxed and tinned Scilla Chocolates.Our fully trained florists will create gorgeous bouquets to suit any occasion. Flowers and chocolates are the perfect gift for that special someone.


Contact Us

Phone. (07) 3087 261
Fax. (07) 308 8635
230 The Strand, Whakatane